Dotun Modupe

Dotun Modupe

Dotun Modupe is Bright Hope’s Country Director for Kenya. In a series of three blog posts, he’s sharing his incredible testimony of how God called him into missions and brought him to Bright Hope. After leaving the Nigerian military as a teenager to come live in the U.S., Dotun was pursuing a computer science degree, with plans to work for a major U.S. company in West Africa, when God undeniably called him into missions. Upon sharing this with his family, his father disowned him, and Dotun returned to the Midwest and sought the Lord for the next step.

Part 3: From Military to Missionary

*Dotun Modupe is Bright Hope’s Country Director for Kenya. In a series of three blog posts, he’s sharing his incredible testimony of how God called him into missions and brought him to Bright Hope. After leaving the Nigerian military as…