Focus on Easter

In the midst of Lent it is important to focus yourself on Jesus. Jesus is the reason we celebrate Easter, the truth that changes our lives and the light that rescues us from darkness. Easter isn’t just a springtime celebration,…
In the midst of Lent it is important to focus yourself on Jesus. Jesus is the reason we celebrate Easter, the truth that changes our lives and the light that rescues us from darkness. Easter isn’t just a springtime celebration,…
Do you want to go to Uganda? I had just started my third month at Bright Hope as Operations Manager when I was asked that question. And there was no question in my mind that I wanted to go. The trip…
Undergirding the U.S. office Working in the operations department for Bright Hope, I spend a lot of time behind the scenes or under the scenes. “Undergirding the U.S. office” is a term that my team uses quite often to describe our efforts to provide a good foundation…