9 Ways to Increase Donor Trust: C.H. Dyer Shares 1 Way with Forbes

Trust. It’s a big issue when it comes to nonprofits. It’s imperative that organizations like Bright Hope gain the trust of their donors—or, as we like to call them, Allies.

We don’t blame people for being a little skeptical and asking questions before they “write the check,” so to speak. People want to know that their money is being used for what we say it’s going to be used for. They want to know that when they give their hard-earned dollars to a nonprofit, they’ll really be used to make a difference.

We get it.

Bright Hope President C.H. Dyer was recently part of a panel for Forbes’ Nonprofit Council, giving advice on what nonprofits can do to increase donor trust.

He gave a two-part answer. “Accountability is a moving target,” he said, “you need facts and figures, audits and outside credibility organizations to help donors overcome their fears of their donations being misused.”

But there’s something else that’s needed—something genuine that touches donors’ minds and hearts. To see C.H.’s full answer, you can read the Forbes article here:

As a donor, do you agree with these nine suggestions? Do you have one you’d like to add to the list? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line at blog@brighthope.org.

Bright Hope Staff
Bright Hope Staff