Build a Business.

Change a Life.

For less than a tank of gas, you can transform a family's life and give the the gift of a thriving business.

Build a Business.

Change a Life.

And it only costs as much as a tank of gas!

Real Time Update:

Businesses Created

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Chickens Bought

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How Does it Work?

Give 10 chickens to a family living in extreme poverty in rural Uganda and you are launching a new business for them that will give them an ongoing source of income and nutrition that will impact their family and community. With this income they can pay for things like their children’s education, medical care, and other necessities.

It only takes 10 chickens to start a business in Uganda.*


Give 10 chickens to build a business for 1 family


Give 50 chickens to build a business for 5 families

Can 10 Chickens Really Build a Thriving Business?

Yes! Six months in, Shafiq's business is thriving and his life has completely changed.

Shafiq was at his breaking point trying to support his family of 16 in rural Uganda. He grew crops, but it wasn’t enough to both feed his family and sell the surplus for income.

But then, boom, game changer: Shafiq was given 10 chickens through Bright Hope.

Within a month, his chickens were laying eggs and multiplying. He divided the eggs so some were sold, some were left to hatch and increase his flock, and some fed his family.

The Chickens Multiplied.. and So Did His Business!

Within about six months from when the chickens began laying, Shafiq was able to sell 20 chickens. Now he’s been able to earn enough money to pay for the land he’s farming, buy seeds for planting, feed his family, and pay for his children to go to school.

Shafiq named his chickens “dream launchers”—and that’s exactly what they’ve done:

“They have helped us launch our dream of educating our children,” he said. “We never lack seeds for our garden and we are able to…boost nutrition in our home.”

***AND: Chickens really are a “gift that keeps on giving.” Why? Because when the chickens begin to reproduce, some offspring are given to another family. Then, when their chickens start to reproduce, some offspring are given to another family…and on and on the cycle continues! The impact is exponential!

And That's Why We Need Your Help...

To Launch Another Chicken Business and Transform Another Family's Life

I know... it's crazy to think that 10 chickens can change a family's life. But it can. And that's why we need your help.

My guess is that you invested a lot more to start your business. But that's the amazing thing about an investment like this in Uganda... it goes SO FAR.

And for less than a tank of gas, you will transform a family's life by jump-starting a business for an eager entrepreneur. It's one entrepreneur to another.

Yes! I will build a business!

Give 10 chickens to a family living in extreme poverty in rural Uganda.*

Eggs for each family

Invest in a community

Change lives one business at a time


Build 1 family business


Build 5 families' businesses

A Partner You Can Trust

One of Bright Hope’s highest values is integrity. We understand the difference every dollar can make in the life of someone in extreme poverty and we value the trust you have given us to effectively and efficiently deliver help to those in need.

Bright Hope is a Christian organization made up of Allies (donors) who want to reach the poorest people in the world. We build relationships with churches in remote villages and city slums and help them bring “Hope for Today, Tomorrow and Eternity” to their communities.

Serving for over 50 years, Bright Hope works in Bolivia, Haiti, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Where do we distribute chickens?

Uganda, Zambia and Bolivia—and we might be expanding to other countries soon!

+ How are the chickens housed, fed and cared for?

The chickens are free-range chickens. That means they are free to roam during the day and just need a coop to keep them safe at night. Each family is free to construct the shelter however they want—sometimes it will be made of wood, while other times it may be made of mud.

Because the chickens are free-range, they roam and find their own food. However, some families grow corn and when it’s ground to flour, the husks are used as chicken feed to supplement what the chickens are finding on their own.

The chickens do need vaccines, and each family is responsible for vaccinating their own chickens. Having the families invest in their flock instills a sense of pride, ownership and responsibility as they are growing their flock, pulling themselves out of poverty and starting to live a better life!*

+ Do the recipients get training on how to care for the chickens?

Yes and yes! Our in-country partners give farmers training on how to take care of their chickens. There are committees that are in charge of following up with the families, and chicken recipients are also encouraged to form groups to share their experiences so they can learn and gain more knowledge from each other.*

Yes! I will build a business!

Give 10 chickens to a family living in extreme poverty in rural Uganda.*

Eggs for each family

Invest in a community

Change lives one business at a time


Build 1 family business


Build 5 families' businesses

*Note: The information on this page applies to how the program is run in Uganda, however, there are some variations from country to country, and donations for chickens may also be used in Zambia or Bolivia. If enough of you decide to invest in chicken businesses and we max out the number of chickens that are profitable to give to one community, we will invest in other income-generating livestock businesses like pigs and goats.