COVID-19: Bright Hope Responds

Disaster strikes suddenly. Whether a pandemic or a natural disaster, life as we knew it can be utterly destroyed in a moment. And for most people living in developing nations, when this happens, there is no safety net, no savings account, no recourse. 

We are doing everything we can to help right now, hoping and praying prevention measures will stop a full-blown mass outbreak. 

You can help too by giving to Bright Hope’s COVID-19 Response Projects. Your support will enable us to do more, faster, at a time when lives are hanging in the balance. All COVID-19 donations are deposited into our Disaster Relief Fund and will be used for the most urgent needs of our church partners.  

What are we doing?

Current Bright Hope COVID-19 Response Projects
Tippy Taps – Hand Washing Stations

Installation of no-touch handwashing stations in impoverished communities.

Current Bright Hope COVID-19 Response Projects
Hygiene and COVID Prevention Measures

Providing soap and other hygiene products as well as training pastors and church leaders about virus prevention and good hygiene practices so they can then teach their villages this same life-saving knowledge.

Food security

Working to provide food for hungry children in Kenya’s Mathare Valley and in other countries. Also providing seeds so farmers can grow their own food.

Clean water initiatives

Providing and improving water access through water purification systems and previously dug wells.

Economic development loans

Giving loans for seeds (food security) and water selling (income generation).

With any donation receive our free booklet COVID-19 & the Extreme Poor: Why the Poor May Be Hit the Hardest

We are in uncharted territory. The coronavirus has caught the world off guard and has forced us to reorient our lives for the sake of others. This will be especially difficult, and in many cases impossible, for the most vulnerable members of society—the extreme poor.

Send Help Now

Prevention is the best defense in the face of COVID-19, but it requires that we act quickly, both with training and materials, but also with life-saving assistance of food and other survival needs. 

Your generous gift of $50, $100, $250 or any other amount to Bright Hope’s disaster relief fund helps us reach impoverished families impacted by COVID-19 and other natural disasters.

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Donation Total: $200.00 One Time

The Bright Hope Promise

Bright Hope is a registered 501(c)(3) charity, and a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. We have been engaging the local church around the world for more than 45 years in the global fight against extreme poverty in their communities. We are committed to helping the extreme poor with the most effective and efficient methods, and we promise to treat every penny donated as if God, Himself, gave it to us.