In many of the communities where we work—communities where moms and dads can’t meet their kids’ basic needs for food, shelter, and education—there’s another silent threat just as devastating as poverty. Broken marriages.
If we’re ever going to see the end of poverty, we must also work to strengthen marriages. And we could definitely use your help!
Lawrence started out with a very distorted view of marriage. He grew up in a polygamous family with an alcoholic, abusive father. After Lawrence married Teddy, they struggled to build a healthy relationship. So, when the stress of living hand to fist beat down on Lawrence, he started drinking and beating his wife Teddy.
This continued until Lawrence heard about Alex, a young man who was thriving economically and in his marriage because of his involvement in a local Father’s Club hosted by a Bright Hope partner church.
In January 2020, Lawrence joined a Father’s Club hoping to get whatever handout they were giving away and go home. But instead, God changed his heart!
As a group, they received training on family cohesion and parenting which he says have changed the trajectory of his whole life. He apologized to his wife for all the wrongs he had done and vowed to begin a new chapter in their life.
Lawrence shared:
“You’ll never find me drinking and wasting time! I love my wife and care for her and my children. The children now run to me when I come home and we spend a lot of time together. All these things were strange to me at first, but the Father’s Club has taught me to embrace them for the better of my family.”
Father’s Clubs play a crucial role in the restoration of families. They equip men to live as godly, responsible, caring husbands and fathers. Many fathers also join together with other men in their club for joint ventures to generate income or start new businesses.
When you give $25, you will help start or continue a Father’s Club, which will equip dads to love and provide for their families well, and enable them to work with other men in their group to start new business ventures.
Please join us in our work to transform marriages, families, and communities, and also meet other urgent needs among the extreme poor.