Time, Treasure, Talent and Tootsie Rolls

I was on my first ever trip to Haiti, visiting a Bright Hope feeding project. We were playing an ice-breaker game where the children would get a small Tootsie Roll for correctly answering questions. When a child won the first piece of candy, he broke it up into six tiny pieces and shared it with the children around him.

When I asked one of the project coordinators why he did that, he seemed puzzled and said, “I couldn’t imagine having so much and not sharing it.”

This generous child may have never tasted candy before but he didn’t hesitate to share his blessing and think of others instead of himself.

Sometimes though—the more we have, the harder it is to share. But when we open our eyes to see every blessing in our lives as a gift from a God with limitless resources, we open our hearts to the possibility of giving more.

Like this little boy, we have the opportunity to share our time, talent and treasures to bless and serve others.


1) What does God’s Word say about sharing?
2) In what ways might God be calling you to share?
3) Is sharing something that is difficult for you or something that comes naturally? How might God be growing you in this area?

Jackie Tait
Jackie Tait

Jackie is married to her college sweetheart, Nick, and a mama to three littles. As a writer at Bright Hope, she is passionate about telling the stories of the world’s most vulnerable people and witnessing how God is moving in the lives of the extreme poor and our Allies.