Shine Brightly in the World's Darkest Places

Create lasting change. Fight poverty. Experience unique community connections with our partners in Bolivia and Uganda. Join our team of Bright Hope monthly givers for $39/month.

Ready to join Radiant?

We only open Radiant up to new members a few times a year—and that time is here! We’ll be welcoming new members until November 10th. Join today and receive a special gift.

Special Early Bird Gift

Request an invite today, and we’ll send you this eight-card set of custom-designed notecards featuring original Bright Hope photography of the countries where we serve.

Request a Radiant Invitation

As a Radiant member, you'll get an inside glimpse at the lives you’re helping transform, and you'll feel like you know—really know—the people and projects you’re supporting.

Six Great Reasons to Join the Radiant Experience:

Community Connection

Monthly Community Connection videos from Bolivia and Uganda, emailed directly to you, share inspiring stories of hope and transformation from the children, parents and pastors we partner with in impoverished communities.

Exclusive Facebook Group

There’s so much happening in Bolivia and Uganda, and we just love telling you about it. So we created a closed Facebook Group just for Radiant members where we can share even more updates, relevant news stories and prayer requests with you than we share with the public.

Prayer Exchanges

Build a spiritual connection that transcends resources and distance by exchanging prayer requests with those in Uganda and Bolivia. In our Facebook group, we share requests from the pastors and community members whose lives we are invested in, and we welcome you to post your own requests.

Monthly Indicator Videos

Have you ever wondered “Why are ‘poor countries’ poor?” Or “Why does someone without running water have a cell phone?” As a Radiant member, every month we’ll email you a short video answering questions like these. 

Biblical Perspective on Poverty

As you participate in the Radiant Experience, we’ll guide you to act on scriptural principles and start receiving the blessings promised in Scripture when you give to the poor.

World-Class Expertise

Your host, C.H. Dyer, has traveled to over 75 countries and run programs and projects across the globe. He has served as the president and CEO of Bright Hope for 25 years and is passionate about meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the poorest of the poor.     

A New Type of Community

Radiant connects you personally to our partners in Bolivia and Uganda. You’ll meet pastors and members of the community, share in their hopes and challenges, and exchange prayers. You’ll know them by name. You’ll view their innovative ministries. And you’ll see firsthand the impact you’re making in their daily lives.

Learn • Share • Pray • Grow

Radiant videos immerse you in our partner communities while sharing critical wisdom for serving the poor in a Biblical way.

A Widow, Two Children, and the Local Church at Work


Experiencing God's Blessing


Who is Hungry?

Radiant Members See the Impact!

“It’s a great way to connect and understand the issues and opportunities involved in meeting the needs of the extreme poor. And it’s the best way I’ve seen yet to connect on an individual level without jumping on a plane.”

Mike H., IL

Current Radiant Member

“Radiant brings you up close and personal to the people in poverty you are helping. I experienced this firsthand with videos, Skype, and even being able to ask questions. Bright Hope has immense experience in this area.”

Trish R., Australia

Current Radiant Member

“Radiant has reinforced to me how important it is to target our giving in a connected way. To be able to see and hear from these Christian leaders in Bolivia has been quite meaningful for our family.”

Brenda S., OH

Current Radiant Member

A Gift from the Grandmas

Creating connection is such an important part of the Radiant Experience that we have a special group of women we want to introduce you to right away: the Ugandan Grandmothers’ Clubs. These sweet, motivated grandmothers make beautiful handcrafts, and when you join Radiant we’d like to send you one of their handmade coin purses as your first touchpoint with some of the precious lives you’re impacting.

In Ugandan rural communities, women play a strong role in running their homes, farming, and raising children. But once they’re older, their children are gone, they can no longer do hard manual labor, and sometimes they’re widowed. Sadly, they can be lonely and overlooked. So our partner churches started grandmothers’ clubs as a place for these elderly women to come for fellowship, to pray together and encourage each other, make handcrafts to sell and earn income, and to learn about health, nutrition and other practical skills.

So far, over 300 Ugandan grandmothers are participating in this program. Sign up now, and get this sweet reminder of the Hope and joy that you are bringing.

Separated by distance...connected in prayer.

In addition to exclusive videos and news, our Radiant Member Facebook Group is full of prayer requests and praise opportunities from our partners in Bolivia and Uganda. Pray for specific people, with specific needs, and see the power of prayer in action.

The Five Indicators of Radiance 

The Radiant Experience is filled with opportunities to grow in your understanding of poverty and your compassion for the poor. We’ve identified five “Indicators of Radiance” that we’ll help you pursue throughout your involvement in Radiant:

Understanding of Poverty

We will be exploring, in depth, what works and what doesn’t work in helping communities rise out of extreme poverty. We will also learn how a holistic model of development improves our impact and what tactics hinder development.

Community Connection

Knowing where and who you are helping is a key part the Radiant Experience. We want our Bright Hope Uganda and Bolivia staff, as well as the partner pastors we work with, to be household names as they tell you about the communities we work in. But then you’ll also get to see the impact your giving has on individual community members too.

Sharing of Our Talents

This is where Radiant is breaking barriers and plowing new ground. Our goal is to have one to two activities per year where you can employ your gifts, beyond the gift of giving, that will have us engaging with our community in poverty. Special missions trips to visit our Radiant Communities are in the works too.  

Celebrating Transformation

As you will soon see, while God is transforming the people we are helping, He will also be transforming your life. We need to recognize the changes happening in both communities and celebrate by giving God the glory for His great work in their lives and ours.

Sharing Our Story

One of the best things we can do is share our stories of transformation with others. It encourages all of us and can help us “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Heb. 10:24). Periodically, we will invite you to share your story in our Facebook group or beyond.

Meet Your Hosts

C.H. Dyer (Rev., MATS)

As President of Bright Hope, C.H. Dyer (Rev., MATS) has 25 years of experience in engaging, working with, and bringing Hope to communities caught in the despair of extreme poverty.

Inspired by church leaders and congregations located in the slums and rural villages across Africa, Asia and Latin America, C.H. believes “if only we can empower and train these fledgling churches to administer excellent programs that lift people out of poverty and give eternal Hope, millions more people can break the chains of generational poverty.”

Sarah Marchmont

Sarah Marchmont has a passion to come alongside the world’s poor and forgotten to see them equipped physically and spiritually so they can break the cycle of poverty and have a chance at a better life.

With a background in journalism, and a love for traveling, experiencing other cultures, and spreading God’s love through words and actions, Sarah is excited to share with you the incredible stories and photos of lives transformed.

Where does my $39 go?

As a Radiant member, your gift will fund any number of life-changing programs in all of the countries where we work. But here are a few of the ways your monthly gift could be used to transform lives:  

Provide 1 Ugandan family with 110 lbs. of seeds and 20 Banana suckers, which provide an ongoing source of nutrition and income.

Provide medical care and medicines for 5 people at one of our Bolivian medical campaigns

Feed a Kenyan child two meals a day at school for 12 weeks 

Pay for 14 children to attend a life skills mentorship program for a year in Uganda 

Join Today and Become a Radiant Ally!

Join the Radiant Experience for just $39/month and get access to all of the benefits of this innovative program:

Be a part of transformation, firsthand, in the lives of the poor.

Enjoy ongoing community updates from our partners in the field, via monthly Community Connection videos and our exclusive Facebook group

Set up your recurring payment once and never worry about remembering to send it again

Grow in the Five Indicators of Radiance and learn from instructional videos on the many facets of global poverty

Take advantage of the lifetime access to all of the Radiant educational and Community Connection opportunities

Apply a tax deduction for the full amount of your contribution

If you’re ready to join by giving a monthly gift of $39 or more, we'd love to call you a Radiant Ally.