COVID-19 has covered the earth like a tsunami

The rich, the poor, the young, the old—we have all been blindsided with this monster wave, with its potential to cause catastrophic devastation!

As we all stay confined in our homes and try to make life seem as normal as possible for our loved ones, we should remember that this pandemic will hit the extreme poor much harder than it hits us... Unless you and I step up and do something!

After all, you and I can follow our top infectious disease experts and distance ourselves from others, and stock up on food in order to avoid crowded lines at the grocery store. And we can do the simplest, most important thing to avoid catching and spreading this new virus: wash our hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.

But what about the poor?


of the rural population does not have access to clean water.

For our brothers and sisters in Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, however, the advice to "wash your hands" is nearly impossible!

That's why we need YOUR HELP to make hand-washing possible in Haiti!


Tippy Taps!

Tippy Taps provide a hands-free way for people to wash away germs and dangerous viruses, and they’re made from low-cost, common items.

Would you help us provide families in Haiti with Tippy Tap and Hygiene Kits which will include items such as:

Toilet paper

Bar soap



Menstrual pads

Vitamin C

(especially for the elderly)

Along with these kits, families will receive hygiene training so they can stop the spread of the coronavirus in their communities!

You have been a committed Ally and have given Hope to so many people around the world. For a gift of $50, you can help provide a Tippy Tap and Hygiene Kit to a family in Haiti, and help Bright Hope to help meet other urgent needs!

Together, we can help protect our neighbors in Haiti from COVID-19!