You are transforming farmers and families in Haiti!

Haiti has faced devastating hardship in 2022. But God has been working and doing wonderful things despite political, economic, and pandemic-related tragedies.

Now, more than ever, struggling Haitians need sustainable options to increase their incomes permanently—and a way to go from hopeless to hopeful.

I’m excited to share about a new development program that has already made a difference, transforming lives through farming in Haiti. We hope you feel encouraged as you read about it.

Is it Hard to Grow Crops in Haiti?

In Haiti, most farmers work their fields by hand using a pickaxe or a hoe. Sometimes, they hire workers to plow or trade labor with other farmers. 

But regardless of the method, it’s a grueling job! And here’s why: 

  • Labor is scarce because many families are moving from the rural areas. 
  • Hand plowing requires lots of precious time, energy, and money. 
  • Farmers with large plots of land can’t afford to plow the entire field by hand.  

A Better Way with a Plowing Project in Bailly, Haiti

haitian men plowing

Thanks to Bright Hope’s partner church in Bailly and Allies like you, they discovered a more efficient, sustainable way to plow—bulls! 

With Bright Hope’s support, the church has designed a plowing service. Currently, seven members of the church development committee manage the program, hire workers, and hire out plowing teams to farmers.  

The church’s growing small business currently has two plowing units, each including a yoke of oxen and an operator.  

In addition to the plowing business, the church has also started a cow breeding project. So far, they have four bulls, two cows, and two calves! 

This innovative project attaches axes and plows with chains to a yoke of bulls. The operator walks behind the bulls to ensure all the soil is adequately prepared for planting. In addition, the bulls receive regular veterinary care, including checkups, vitamins, and antibiotics.

The plowing project has already: 

  • Created jobs in the community 
  • Generated more opportunities for local veterinarians
  • Increased yields for farmers at lower prices 

haitian man plowing with yoked oxen

In addition to seasonal work, the plow operators receive training on how to care for the cows. And on top of the additional income, their families benefit from the nutrition in the cows’ milk! 

A Hope-filled Future for Farmers 

And not only has this microenterprise improved farming in Haiti, but it has also transformed the lives of the farmers! 

We would like to introduce you to Lorangilles, a farmer and father of six. He uses the church’s plowing service regularly. Now, his farm produces crops efficiently. But his life used to look much different. 

haitian farmer

In Lorangilles’ own words: “Life in Bailly is very difficult. We live off agriculture and trade. Before the plowing service, we used only pickaxes, machetes, and hoes to plow the land. It would take 15 to 20 people to plow my field. But now, it takes two oxen and one person to do the job in a fraction of the time. I plant all kinds of crops: corn, beans, cassava, bananas, and yams. I thank God that the plowing service has helped my farm! 

As a result of this inventive microenterprise, Lorangilles has gone from barely surviving to thriving, and from hopeless to Hopeful! 

Truly, this innovative project has the potential to create more and more jobs in Bailly. And soon, it will exponentially increase crop yield and food supplies for the entire community. 

And without your faithful generosity, this (literally!) groundbreaking program would not have been possible.

Learn more about our work in Haiti, and find a place to get involved! 

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.