At Bright Hope, our whole team is passionate about connecting you with opportunities that impact the extreme poor in some of the poorest places in the world.

If you have any questions, call or email us at 224.520.6100 or  We look forward to partnering with you!

C.H. Dyer | President/CEO

Cindie G. | International Partnerships

Steve Z. | Operations

Terry W. | Finance

Michael O. | Development

Country Leadership Staff

Our in-country staff and their dedicated teams work through hundreds of local churches to bring sustainable change to the extreme poor in their communities.

Mark B. | Country Director, Zambia
Charles B. | Project Director, Zambia

Munir C. | Country Director, Bolivia
Kattya R. | Marketing and Translation Coordinator, Bolivia

Levenson B. | Operations Manager, Haiti
Caleb C. | Partnership Liaison, Haiti
Suzette G. | Haiti Consultant

Dotun M. | Country Director, Kenya
Lucy K. | Associate Partnership Developer, Kenya
Ami M. | Partnership Liaison, Kenya

Charity O. | Country Director, Uganda
Solomon O. | Operations Manager, Uganda
Julius C. | Marketing and Communications Officer, Uganda