Sustainable Hope: Banishing Poverty in Bolivia

Bolivia is the poorest country in South America, in desperate need of sustainable hope. As a result, many of our partner churches experience the multifaceted challenges of extreme poverty. Nevertheless, our church partners in Bolivia persevere and tirelessly work to serve the needy with passion and purpose.   

In 2018, one of our partner churches in El Alto opened a hydroponics business growing lettuce to support essential ministries to impoverished families. With the money they earned, the church created a child support center to care for hundreds of vulnerable children. At the center, they teach kids about God’s love, serve them healthy meals, and provide help with their schoolwork. 

In 2020, the coronavirus devastated Bolivia. Even though the effects have waned, the aftermath of the global pandemic continues to accentuate the high economic inequality across Bolivia. Historically, small businesses suffer from economic decline, and small business owners are often the poorest throughout Latin America. 

Although the hydroponics business had succeeded for several years, pandemic shutdowns forced the church to stop operation temporarily. 

At the beginning of 2022, with Bright Hope’s support, the church formed a new plan for the hydroponic farm. They decided to leverage its resources to teach farming techniques to kids attending the children’s program. After several months of preparation, the children have started growing their own food! And one day, they plan to sell their vegetables for profit. 

Sustainable Solutions for Tomorrow

Truly, this project reflects Bright Hope’s passion to give poor individuals hope for tomorrow. We do this by equipping them to build sustainable, income-generating businesses and meet their own needs. As a result, these children are now on the journey to a hope-filled future!

At the children’s ministry graduation in November, they showcased their skills by sharing the lettuce, parsley, and other vegetables they harvested! This was made possible by an excellent team of teachers, an agronomy expert who trained the teachers, and the generous support of Allies like you!  

After the graduation ceremony, Pastor Cristian shared: “Our children enjoyed the experience, and we can enjoy the fruit of what the Lord is doing in Ventilla. Ee know this event was the first step so that many children will learn how to cultivate their own food and meet the Lord in the process.” 

May God grow and enlarge this vital ministry even more in 2023! 

Why is Sustainability Important?

Sustainable development means creating economic progress that can be maintained over the long-term. This reduces inequality and creates lasting social change. It increases access to resources like healthcare and education for Bolivians across the country.

Sustainable solutions have a positive impact on both the environment and local communities, promoting healthy ecosystems while providing jobs and opportunities for those living in poverty.

Learn more about our sustainability programs, which provide the needy with the tools to leave poverty behind.  

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.