Look What You Helped Us Accomplish in 2023!

With nearly 720 million people stuck living on less than $2 a day, we worked hard in 2023 to provide sustainable hope to thousands of families. But thanks to your generosity, over the course of 2023, thousands of families across the world now have a reliable way to put food on the table, pay for their children’s education and follow the path out of extreme poverty.  

But I feel so thankful for the faithful friendship of our Allies. Through their gifts they are expressing their love toward the extreme poor. 


Bright Hope’s 2023 Accomplishments

If you are a Bright Hope Ally, you have played a huge part in alleviating the pain of extreme poverty around the world. Despite skyrocketing inflation, wars and economic instability, look at all that we accomplished together in 2023: 

  • Impacted the lives of 151,995 impoverished individuals 
  • Shared meals with 185,165 hungry people 
  • Provided medical services to 10,603 sick individuals  
  • Trained 23,235 church and community members 
  • Gave clean water to 9,914 people 
  • Supplied 1,871 individuals with microfinance services and loans 
  • Awarded scholarships and education services to 5,671 students 
  • And much more… 


Jean Lucie Started a New Business

To show the impact our Allies have made on the extreme poor, meet Jean Lucie who lives in Haiti. Sadly, devastating cycles of political unrest, food insecurity, gang violence and record-high inflation have trapped many Haitians in extreme poverty. Keep reading to discover how our Goat Breeding Program has transformed Jean Lucie’s life, in her own words. 

“My name is Jean Lucie. I am one of the beneficiaries of the Goat Breeding Program. I am married and have three children. For years, my main activity was as a street merchant. But for some time, I have not been selling because I had no money. I used to sell on a donkey, but the donkey died. The money I made from street selling went to our children’s education. I can’t replace the donkey. It has been two years since I have been working as a street merchant.” 

“Now, I really like the breeding project that the church brought to the community. They gave us goats and training and showed us how to organize ourselves into savings groups. Years ago, I used to look after goats and pigs, and they helped me with the education of our children. But unfortunately, they got old and died. Now, thanks to the project, I have goats again and learned how to keep them. I am very happy that I am one of the beneficiaries. The goat brings me hope. Thanks to God, I can still have other animals because when I have honored my commitment to the church and repaid my loan, the goat is mine to keep. And in time, I can have more animals. Thank you to the team that came with the project. I ask God to continue to bless them.”  

Thank you!

We pray that this update will bring you great joy, knowing that God is using you to transform the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people.    

May God bless you in 2024! 

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you… because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philippians 1:3-5 

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.