Eliminate hunger by expanding the Natoot Farm! 

In Turkana, Kenya, thousands of people have been trapped in dire poverty and extreme hunger. Dizzying cycles of droughts, coupled with prolonged isolation, under-investment and marginalization, have led to one of the world’s lowest levels of human development. Expanding the Natoot Farm is one way to eliminate world hunger.

Although Michael’s family was trapped in hunger and desperation, when the Natoot Farm opened, there wasn’t room for Michael to join as a farmer. 

Since then, the farm has received 13 extra acres to expand. We have an opportunity to open the floodgates so that 150 more farmers can receive their own plots, plant profitable crops and feed their families—families like Michael’s. 


Michael’s Story

Despair sometimes drives decent people to make drastic decisions, even illegal decisions. In desperation, Michael stole produce from a farm started by Bright Hope to feed his children—a choice that would haunt him for years to come. 

Michael didn’t want to be a thief. He fought back tears and explained: “I had to steal to survive!” 

People living in extreme poverty are in constant crisis. What if we could help them escape the continuous despair? 

Michael grew up in the drought-ridden region of Turkana, Kenya, among a historically pastoral, nomadic community. He spent his early life helping his father care for their animals. Michael couldn’t attend school since his family frequently moved in search of pasture and clean water for their animals.  

One year, an especially harsh drought caused a famine that killed nearly all their animals and destroyed all prospects of food and income. 

As Michael and his father walked across the cracked soil littered with animal carcasses, they lost hope. They had no choice but to move again. 

So, Michael, his parents, and their few animals settled in the village of Natoot. Soon after, Michael got married and had one daughter and two sons. Unfortunately, Natoot was a harsh place to live and eventually, his wife left him.  

Around that same time, Bright Hope partnered with a church in Natoot to plant a farm—an oasis in the desert. Gradually, the farm started producing kale, spinach, watermelon, cowpeas, and more. 

Hunger Haunts Michael’s Family

But Michael wasn’t chosen to work as a farmer. He felt abandoned, alone, and hopeless. He described: “We used to go without food for days, surviving on wild fruits. At night I could hear children crying because of hunger. I tried to run away from reality by drinking illicit brew, but the situation worsened. I was rejected and isolated even by the community members.”  

Michael hit rock bottom and a thought crossed his mind—a thought totally foreign to his honest character. 

Steal food for my children, or we die. 

I don’t like stealing, but I need to eat. We couldn’t sleep on an empty stomach.” 

Michael’s story shows us that the generational poverty cycle is hard to break.  

What Can You Do To Eliminate Hunger? 

With 13 additional acres, we can expand the Natoot Farm and add 150 more farming families. If our faithful Allies band together, we can provide each plot with access to irrigation, solar-powered pumps and high-capacity water tanks to supply water during periods of drought.   

We can double the number of families at the Natoot Farm so parents can grow crops, feed their children, provide for their education and raise their children with hope for the future.  Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can get involved! 

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.