You Can Help Orphans Find Hope 

Buikwe, Uganda — Orphans have it bad… especially when they’re stuck in the generational cycle of extreme poverty. But you can offer them a hand toward hope. 

Paul’s crisis began when his father and mother divorced. At the age of seven, Paul went to live with his father. But he never imagined that his mother would abandon him. Paul never saw her again.  

Unfortunately, when Paul’s father married his wife, life turned bitter for Paul. His stepmother mistreated him and punished him for even childish mistakes. In time, life became physically and emotionally dangerous for Paul. So, Paul’s father sent him to stay with his grandmother. 

A New Family 

Paul lived with his grandmother and his three cousins in a wood and clay home with a grass roof. The four kids had to compete for the little bit of food available. Eventually, Paul had to drop out of school since there was no money to pay his school fees.  

Paul’s grandmother worked casual jobs at a sugarcane plantation where she earned very little to support the family. His father felt no obligation to take care of him. 

Paul began roaming the village searching for food. He begged for money and even stole to survive. When that didn’t work, Paul ran away from home, Kampala, to search for his mom. And if Paul’s plan failed, he had made up his mind to live on the streets of the city. 

A New Life 

Paul never made it to Kampala. Instead, he contracted malaria and got dangerously sick. But when our church partner in Buikwe held a medical camp, Paul’s grandmother brought him in. Thankfully, after treatment, Paul recovered. 

After that experience, our church partner reached out to Paul’s grandma and invited her to attend parenting training. She also received two pigs on loan to help her start a small business. In time, her pigs will provide a stable income for her and her four grandkids.

Their lives are starting to change, slowly and surely! In the meantime, our church partner has started paying Paul’s school fees and he is thriving in fourth grade. The church has also reached out to Paul’s father who has agreed to work with the church, cover Paul’s school fees, and pay for his food.  

You Can Help Orphans

Paul and his family are not out of the woods yet, but they have taken significant steps toward sustainability. And with your help and prayers, more orphans like Paul will receive the tools they need to follow the path out of poverty. 

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.