Create a Successful New Year in 2023

Happy New Year! The New Year gives us a chance to start fresh and develop a new plan for a successful year. 

But how should we define success? 

As the Apostle Paul established his ministry to the Gentiles, he and the other church leaders agreed on one of the most crucial pillars of a successful ministry—to care for the poor.  

Galatians 2:9-10 says: “In fact, James, Peter, and John…encouraged us to keep preaching to the Gentiles, while they continued their work with the Jews. Their only suggestion was that we keep on helping the poor, which I have always been eager to do.  

So, how can you make 2023 successful? You can join us as we equip impoverished families to build a sustainable future.  

Manage God’s Resources with Bright Hope

Bright Hope’s strategic ministry model has transformed thousands of communities and families, and we want you to see and understand that your donations are crucial to winning the fight against extreme poverty.   

The transformation we seek always starts with the local church in the villages and slums where we minister. As a Christian organization, we believe that Jesus desires to work through His body to transform lives for eternity (see Eph. 4:11-12; John 13:35). These churches can transform their community with changed lives, hopeful people, and sustainable incomes when engaged and carefully resourced. 

When we receive your gift, it is sent to our church partners to fund carefully made plans to deliver Hope for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, and Hope for Eternity to the neediest people in their neighborhoods.

Set Realistic Expectations and Work on Weaknesses

We want to tell you about Safina, a grandma in Uganda who lost her son and daughter-in-law to HIV/AIDS. Their tragic deaths left Safina and her husband with three orphans to look after and not enough money to feed them, clothe them, or send them to school. 

In God’s providence, Safina joined a Grandmothers’ Club at a Bright Hope partner church in Luwero and qualified to receive a loan for two pigs. And with these pigs, Safina and her husband received an opportunity to create a sustainable income!  


Safina’s first pig gave birth to ten piglets and her second pig also delivered piglets! Now, Safina and her husband have a sustainable, small business and can feed their grandkids and send them to school! 

Share a Successful New Year with the Poor

Through the years, we have seen the church courageously love those considered unlovable, give generously in times of crisis, and willingly help all people regardless of religion, poverty level, ethnicity, gender, or tribe. 

Your hard-earned money doesn’t just sit in our corporate account or disappear into a black hole when you give. Your gift has a purpose from the moment it arrives—to change lives and provide Hope to thousands.  

So, before the first few weeks of 2023 slip away, why not commit to helping the extreme poor? Join us in providing impoverished families with nourishment for today, sustainable opportunities for tomorrow, and eternal hope for the future! 


Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.