The Labyrinth

Recently I was on a stroll through the center of town in Jackson, WY. Just off to the north is St. John’s Episcopal Church. At the side of their sanctuary sits a large labyrinth. Legend says that the design was part of King Solomon’s temple and was carried to France by the Knight Templars. Signs nearby call this a “Sacred Space.” I assumed it was meant to invoke quiet contemplation as you follow the winding path.  


Not one to give up a puzzle challenge, I took upon myself the quest to find the center. But, before I embarked, I said a silent prayer, asking God to reveal something to me while I strolled this hollowed path.   

Lessons from the Labyrinth 

Here are the three lessons I learned during my experience with the labyrinth:  

  1. Life is like wandering this labyrinth—winding back and forth, never sure of where you are or how far you must go. It does not make sense looking at it from the ground. You cannot see how you will reach the center. Like when navigating this labyrinth, in life, it does not matter how tall or short, smart, or dumb witted you are. We do not know where life is leading. We must walk forward in faith without seeing or knowing the end result.  
  1. Sometimes, while walking, you could get remarkably close to the center without even knowing, and other times, you could be in the farthest parts of the circle after walking for some time. I felt God was saying to me, “It doesn’t matter how long your walk as a Christian has been, sometimes you are going to feel close to Me and sometimes far from Me.” God is always nearby, even when you feel far away and cannot see the path to Him.  
  1. Surprisingly, the labyrinth did not take long to complete. At first, it seemed slow as I meandered through the twists. But then, suddenly, it was over. I had reached the center. I think life can feel slow like that too. “Why am I walking this way when my destination is over there?” But then, suddenly, it is over, and we are in the presence of God.  

I was thankful for the labyrinth and these quiet moments of reflection. I should look at life the same way and enjoy the twists and turns. God knows where I am going; He designed the path.  


Learn More About Bright Hope  

When Hope for Today Makes Tomorrow Possible 

Hope for Tomorrow: Sometimes Poverty Alleviation is Simple 

Hope for Eternity: Jesus Cares for the Poor 

Bright Hope, a Holistic Ministry Meeting the Needs of the Poor 

Grow. Change. Impact: The Power of Mutual Transformation 


C.H. Dyer
C.H. Dyer

Hi, I am C.H. Dyer. I have a passion for helping those living in extreme poverty and a knack for getting people engaged with the poor. I believe if you are faithful and generous with what you have, God will transform you and your family’s hearts and minds, just as your gifts can bring physical transformation to the poor. My angel wife, Anne, and three kids are my inspiration. And I also happen to have been leading Bright Hope for the past two decades.