Learn How Literacy Can End Generational Poverty

Ninety-three percent of primary students in Uganda fail their exams due to difficulties in reading and comprehension. To build literacy skills, Bright Hope has partnered with Timuna Church in Luwero to build a library at Lukyamu Primary School. Together, we can end generational poverty.

During our partnership with the church, Bright Hope empowered the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) with the necessary skills to improve schools within their communities. This involved working closely with school administration to enhance infrastructure, academic affairs and student welfare. 

Learn How Literacy Can End Generational Poverty

Bisaso Mohamed, chair of the PTA, shared: “I never imagined that people from different faiths would unite for the betterment of our school. I am amazed by the impact Bright Hope has had on our community. They not only imparted knowledge to us but also stood by our side to ensure the successful completion of this Library.” 

Amazingly, the PTA took it upon themselves to rally parents and the entire community to complete the library block that had remained at the foundation stage for over fifteen years. 

Parents Pitch in to Support Literacy 

Parents contributed materials like sand, gravel stones, and their labor towards the construction. Although their contributions fell short of completing the project, their untiring determination inspired Bright Hope to step in. 

In addition, we supplied all the essential cement, windows, doors, and roofing materials required to finish the construction. On a designated day, Pastor Samuel Ssesanga, along with the school headmaster, officially launched the completed building. 

Lukyamu Primary School leaders have great hopes for the library. They hope that it will serve as a resource center for all students. They plan to create a media corner with a TV and educational videos on science, English, and social studies. And a history corner that will tell students about their school, country, continent, and the world. In addition, they plan to stock it with books on all kinds of subjects.  

Unfortunately, the library still lacks all of these materials. But the PTA plans to work with the community and Bright Hope to ensure that this dream comes to pass. 

Lead teacher Kizito Anthony explained: “I am profoundly grateful that Bright Hope came into the picture during my tenure at this school. Personally, I’ve been able to connect with parents, church leaders and the wider community. Overseeing the realization of this significant library has been made possible by the valuable empowerment training and confidence instilled in me by Bright Hope.” 

What Can You Do? 

As parents, teachers, or friends, our hearts want children around the world to thrive. Truly, literacy can set a child’s foundation for a successful future. Please consider giving the gift of education and sustainable hope for a child stuck in poverty.  

Julius Caeser
Julius Caeser

Julius is married to his lovely wife Winnie and has three little ones. He is a passionate photographer, but also an enthusiastic writer and film maker with a desire to give a voice to the voiceless. He has worked for many non-profits both within and outside Uganda for over seven years and is currently employed by Bright Hope. It was while working for a non-profit that he received the Lord’s calling to serve others through his talents. He believes that by telling the stories of vulnerable people to the world, God will use those who hear these stories to impact the needy and be a blessing to them.