Building Safe Access to Education for Girls

Poverty impacts women and children the hardest, leaving them powerless to overcome hunger, illness, depression, and danger. But education can provide one of the surest paths out of poverty. 

Unfortunately, the girls at Kalasa Mukosa High School in Zambia faced danger and potential predators as they traveled long distances to get to school. At night they had to search for shelter nearby. Together we determined to build a safe place for them to live, study, make friends, and pursue God’s plan for their lives. 

In June, we asked our Allies to give generously so our church partners in Zambia could build a dorm for these young ladies at Kalasa Mukosa High School. You answered with a huge YES! 

In just four months, the foundation has been laid. Right now, walls are going up and workers have started pouring concrete for permanent desks and bunkbeds. 

Beds and Desks

Education Changes Lives 

Not only have you funded a building, but you have also invested in the lives of many young ladies. Just listen to how this new dorm has already given them hope for the future. 

Dyness, Salome and Prospetina, in 11th grade, all have big dreams. They are starting to see a place where their dreams can be nurtured and stewarded. Soon they will have a secure place to study and prepare for the future.  

You’ve given safe access to education for girls in Zambia

Dyness shared her dream to become a nurse: “I want to give medicine to people who are sick and I want to take care of them.”  

Salome explained that after she finishes her education, she plans to be a physiotherapist: “I like being able to help people.” 

Prospetina said that she would like to “become a doctor and save lives” and grow into a strong and independent businesswoman.  

Prospetina spoke for the girls: “Having these goals helps us to stay motivated and do our best in our studies.”  

Salmone added: “Having a nice dorm will motivate us to get through school.”   

You Can Still Invest in Zambia!   

Click here to learn more about the Girls Dorm Project.    

In conclusion, if you didn’t get a chance to help build safe housing for these precious girls, don’t worry. You can still partner with us to make an ongoing difference in the lives of the extreme poor. Your gifts can help them start a life that sustains families, builds businesses, feeds communities and educates people.  

Thank you again for building a safe dorm for the young ladies attending Kalasa Mukosa High School. 

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.