Tag Microenterprise & Jobs

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

This story is the continuation of “A Grandmother’s Love.” If you haven’t read it yet, you can read it here on our website. Elina raised her four daughters alone after she separated from her abusive, alcoholic husband. Every night, he…

Finding New Family and a Fresh Start

Remmy, an entrepreneur and mother of three, lives in the densely- populated Huruma slums on the outskirts of Nairobi. Several years ago, she joined a Savings For Life (SFL) group with only 14 members. Now there are 22 and call themselves, “Tunaweza A,” meaning “We can”…

Training for Life

In the Haitian town of Ferrier, multiple churches held a large women’s conference. Each church sent 10 women of different ages and backgrounds. Those that wanted to continue joined a monthly leadership training over the course of a year.